Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I have found a small slice of heaven...

Today I had lunch with my friend Shirley at the Flushing Mall... in the food court, there's a place that makes cheap steaks, and it was delicious! For 7 bucks, I definately can't complain. :)

But even better was this store in the mall that she showed me.... 40 minute full-body mechanical massages for only 3 bucks! Woo hoo! I know where I'm going to be spending some of my off-training time now!

Life's been a bit stressful lately... but things like this make it so worthwhile. Thanks Shirley!


shirley said...

hehe...sometimes i really don't want to live in flushing, but when i guess there are a few benefits after all.

shirley said...

oops about the typo in that last one. btw i got your invite but i dont really use sms cuz it costs extra.